Sunday, January 8, 2012

Till the dusk answers the dawn

Its about time I walk alone,
Till the night is dark enough that I fade away in the mist....
It's about time I speak the truth,
Till the murmuring ceases.

I somehow surrender to my gut,

But I won't succumb I won't bow down to your rage.

It's about time I let the my soul scavenge peace,
Till the dusk answers the dawn.

I gave up on my false beliefs,
Because i trusted what i heard, they didn't do any good to me.
I reckon my thoughts to strengthen my conscience,
I admire the smiles, I await a gesture, 
But a spurious face turns it all down.
It's about time I let my soul scavenge peace,
Till the dusk answers the dawn.

I don't ask for a souk to show off what's inside me,
It's just a hazy sight that I know would pass soon.
I believe in me is all I tell myself, and i know I would Rise and shine,
All i would do is snooze dusk and awaken dawn,
and ask them to dream on.


  1. This is simply awesome...
    there is a one and only thought that i am possessed with is how the hell on earth do i contact you..i am also a writer and you simply amuse me.

    1. thankyou atul...... you can reach me on my email id
