Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Walked Past You to Watch If You Noticed……

I walked past you to watch if you noticed, 
I whisked my hand onto yours when I got a chance to feel your presence,
You clasped my fingers to make me realise that you’re right here undiminished. 
I savored your caressed whispers running evidently through my unkempt tresses.
Swiftly you snuffled my desires and chuckled on my feeble tickled face.

Then and now there is no difference, no difference in your and my yearnings, 
Your glimmering eyes coveted my fingers to trace your delicate snuggled neck.
You tie me up in your perky chatter, drive my fragrant palm, 
Fondle the soft and warm them. 
And somehow you grasped my feelings.
See me off for the nightfall so that I can dream off about it a bit more, 
Let me caste out a bubble and let me live it even in the blurry sight.

Sought me out, detangle the secret of the spells,
Then incline my back and rustle your hands on my eyelashes,
Your passion is true your clement blow of air on my face makes me tell.
I got the jitters and butterflies and what not, I couldn’t splurge out all but the truth in the back of my mind still flashes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Till the dusk answers the dawn

Its about time I walk alone,
Till the night is dark enough that I fade away in the mist....
It's about time I speak the truth,
Till the murmuring ceases.

I somehow surrender to my gut,

But I won't succumb I won't bow down to your rage.

It's about time I let the my soul scavenge peace,
Till the dusk answers the dawn.

I gave up on my false beliefs,
Because i trusted what i heard, they didn't do any good to me.
I reckon my thoughts to strengthen my conscience,
I admire the smiles, I await a gesture, 
But a spurious face turns it all down.
It's about time I let my soul scavenge peace,
Till the dusk answers the dawn.

I don't ask for a souk to show off what's inside me,
It's just a hazy sight that I know would pass soon.
I believe in me is all I tell myself, and i know I would Rise and shine,
All i would do is snooze dusk and awaken dawn,
and ask them to dream on.