Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eyes Through My Sunglasses

As I unfold my existence and I walk towards the curious warm August morning dated 31st in 1991, for the first time my mother held me in her arms tenderly. Born in mélange of people in Kanpur the city also known as Manchester of East. Being brought up in protected yet pampered environment may be one of the many reasons of being a blessed soul. The first baby step that I took was on my first birthday, my upbringing has been just like other children but I know I’ve been luckier in getting my demands fulfilled for being my daddy’s princess.
Dropping down at those savored moments certainly brings out a known sense of happiness and pleasure, but they too leave me helpless at the same time because all those moments that seemed to be as never ending at that time were in no way coming back again. Flipping through the pages of my being I pause by the quirky moments that made me who I am now, coming across the snapshots lifts my spirit. Every time I try to relive the still moments of my existence there is always something in store that leaves me amused. Stepping on the memory lane that went on the pathway to the frivolous rebukes accompanied by treasured lullabies were the memorable occasions.

Growing up after the trouble-free and snuggled childhood under the shadow of my parents made it crystal clear that crests and troughs were not only a part of waves. Procrastination surely did add up to the failures that I realized at the time of results of assessments followed by the surprises that were prepared with the crack of dawn! Yearning and learning came respectively with more emphasis on the first term, however with time I realized the importance of the latter.
Being an extrovert helped me in mingling up with people that lent a hand to me on a positive track. A poetic and sensitive, yet a strong headed girl is what I am makes me an individual. Having inspired or original ideas that brings out my eccentricity which supports my conscience to speak out that makes me feel complete and elated.